Sunday, June 30, 2013

We are proud and honored that our dogs are also in the media ..
Currently released in August booklet "German Shepherd" published by Wydawnicytwo Kocur.
We were asked to send in pictures of our psów.Zarówno photography and beauty dog was doceniona.Zdobią cover and interior-as illustrations.
August also showed calendars with pictures of our dogs in the current year and in the future.
Our dogs add a creative inspiration ... This beautiful drawings in pencil. performed by Marty Marshall and Mrs. Anna Rogulska.
The first moments of his life are socialized. We teach them cleanliness, human contact. In their upbringing put our whole heart .... Then we are confident that the future owners get dogs, which have a lot of love in itself. Dogs of us live in both Europe and America, many dogs are brought up with children. No dog that comes from Our wings we are not indifferent. With each the owner: keep in touch. We care about them, we provide advice, help .... even when they are no longer with us.
Important for us is not only good mental condition of our dogs, but also physical. We take them to different places where the will can work together to have fun and give relief to their emotions. We can not forget that working dogs, so accordingly a lot of traffic for them is a pleasure. We train dogs

Jestesmy dumni i zaszczyceni,że nasze psy istnieją tez w mediach..
Aktualnie ukazała sie ksiązeczka "Owczarek Niemiecki" wydana przez Wydawnicytwo Kocur.
Zostalismy poproszeni o nadesłanie zdjec naszych psów.Zarówno fotografia jak i uroda psów została doceniona.Zdobią okładkę jak i wnętrze- jako ilustracje.
Ukazały sie tez kalendarze ze zdjeciami naszych psów w obecnym roku oraz na przyszły.
Nasze psy dodają też weny twórczej...Oto piękne rysunki w ołówku. w wykonaniu Marty Marszałek oraz pani Anny Rogulskiej.
pierwszych chwil swojego życia sa socjalizowane. Uczymy je czystosci, kontaktu z ludźmi. W ich wychowanie wkładamy całe nasze serca.... Wtedy jesteśmy spokojni, że do przyszłych wlaścicieli trafiają psy, które maja w sobie duzo miłości. Psy od nas mieszkają zarówno w Europie jak i w Ameryce, wiele psów wychowuje się z dziećmi. Żaden pies, który wychodzi spod Naszych skrzydeł nie jest nam obojętny. Z kazdym wlaścicielem utrzymujemy kontakt. Troszczymy sie o nie, słuzymy poradą, pomocą....  nawet jak juz nie są z Nami.
Wazna jest dla nas dobra kondycja nie tylko psychiczna Naszych psów, ale również fizyczna. Zabieramy je w rózne miejsca, gdzie do woli mogą ze sobą się bawić i dawac upust swoim emocjom. Nie możemy zapominac, że to psy pracujące, wiec odpowiednio duzo ruchu dla nich to sama przyjemnośc. Szkolimy psy,

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Miasto Smoka German Shepherd Kennel
Miasto Smoka FCI kennel is registered in Polish Kennel Club (ZKwP) under no 3229/M.

  We are breeders of German Shepherds for a few years. Our goal is to be up-to-date with every new feature relating to this noble and splendid breed. In year 2004 we could at last afford purchasing a female from V-max kennel - MALTA V-Max, which fulfilled our requirements about exterier and character of the dogs. We hope that it will be a good base for our little kennel. In November 2007 we imported from Hungary a male: ARMIN in Regnum Marianum, he charmed in instant my whole family and September 2010, we imported from Holland german dog named PERCY vom Streek.
  Our German Shepherds kennel is typical home kennel. Our adult dogs and puppies lives with us at house, we are looking after them and they are under solid care of our vet. Puppies are socialized with people and other animals. We have a big garden plot and we are taking our dogs there so they can run and play as much as they want. We love to visit various places and we just love nature, so our little ones aren't bored with us for sure. The proof is their loyalty and affection for us.
  In short: German Shepherd Dogs are our passion. We hope that puppies from our kennel with their physical features and characters will be a source of pride to their new owners. That's our aim.
Hodowla Miasto Smoka FCI została zarejestrowana pod nr 3229/M w Związku Kynologicznym w Polsce.
  Owczarkami Niemieckimi zajmujemy sie od kilku lat. Staramy się śledzić na bieżąco wszystko, co związane jest z rozwojem tej jakże szlachetnej i wspaniałej rasy. W 2004 roku mogliśmy sobie pozwolić na zakup suczki z hodowli V-Max - MALTA V-Max, która spełnia nasze oczekiwania pod względem psychiki, jak i eksterieru. Myślimy, że będzie ona doskonałym zapoczątkowaniem rozwoju naszej malutkiej hodowli. W listopadzie 2007 roku sprowadziliśmy z Węgier pieska o imieniu ARMIN in Regnum Marianum, w którym cała nasza rodzina się po prostu zakochała, a wrześniu 2010 sprowadziliśmy z Holandii niemieckiego psa o imieniu PERCY vom Streek.
  Nasza hodowla Owczarków Niemieckich jest typową hodowlą domową. Nasze Owczarki Niemieckie i szczenięta przebywają z nami w mieszkaniu, są pod stałą opieką naszą, jak i weterynarzy. Szczeniaczki są socjalizowane z ludźmi i innymi zwierzętami. Mamy dużą działkę, na która zabieramy nasze psiaki, aby mogły sie wybiegać i wyszaleć się do woli. Jeździmy bardzo często w różne miejscowości - po prostu kochamy naturę, więc na pewno nasze pociechy nie nudzą się z nami i są szczęśliwe, czego dowodem jest ich oddanie i miłość, jaką nas obdarzają.
  Jednym słowem Owczarki Niemieckie to nasza pasja. Mamy nadzieję, że szczeniaczki z naszej hodowli zarówno pod względem psychiki, jak i eksterieru uszczęśliwią swoich przyszłych właścicieli, czego bardzo byśmy sobie życzyli.

German Shepherd Puppies - Classified Ad

German Shepherd Puppies - Classified Ad

If you have German Shepherd Puppies to sell or are a German Shepherd Breeder, Trainer, Kennel then you should list on our German Shepherd Dog Directory site.
This site is dedicated to the German Shepherd Dog only and has a 60 language translator so you can post listings/videos and more, Preferably in English and visitors to your listing from other Countries can read your Ad in their own language.
Please click our Facebook like image on GSDsite. Please share this Advert with your friends about the best German Shepherd Dog Directory in the world. Note: The Price For Listing is .03 cents a day. There is no charge to view listings.
Best regards,

German Shepherd Puppy Breeder Directory - Classified Ad

Professional German Shepherd Directory

If you have German Shepherd Puppies to sell or are a German Shepherd Breeder, Trainer, Kennel then you should list on our German Shepherd Dog Directory site.
This site is dedicated to the German Shepherd Dog only and has a 60 language translator so you can post listings/videos and more, Preferably in English and visitors to your listing from other Countries can read your Ad in their own language.
Please click our Facebook like image on GSDsite. Please share this Advert with your friends about the best German Shepherd Dog Directory in the world. Note: The Price For Listing is .03 cents a day. There is no charge to view listings.
Best regards,

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our farm is called "Goldberg" and has been operating since 2004 and since this year is also a member of the Kennel Club FCI.

In our culture we grow 5 females (Raja as Lüttersbruch, Aszka Jarkowski Manor, Zissi Tensor, Elvi Bud Such-and-Such Bud Doty) and three dogs (Quattro as Fichtenschlag-Zwinger, Manto as Thermodos and Aron Jarkowski Manor).

Goldberg farming is growing rapidly as evidenced by the numerous awards and recognitions for our dogs.

4 in June 2013 was born 5 puppies with black-and-tan color, 3 males and 2 females. Mother of puppies is the daughter twice winner of the world-Remo as Fichtenschlag, while their father is the grandson of Esko vom Hof Dänischen VA3 and Quenn vom Weg Löher VA2. In our culture we have a bitch, Ashkali Jarkowski Manor, which won the Polish Junior Champion and is the daughter of the father of our puppies.

Pedigree puppies

Nasza hodowla nazywa się "Goldberg" i funkcjonuje od 2004 roku i od tego roku jest również członkiem Związku Kynologicznego FCI.
W naszej hodowli hodujemy 5 suk (Raja vom Lüttersbruch, Aszka Jarkowski Dwór, Zissi Tensor, Elvi Such-Bud oraz Doty Such-Bud) i 3 psy (Quattro vom Fichtenschlag-Zwinger, Manto vom Thermodos i Aron Jarkowski Dwór).
Hodowla Goldberg rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie czego dowodem są liczne nagrody i wyróżnienia dla naszych psów.
4 czerwca 2013 roku przyszło na świat 5 szczeniaczków o barwie czarno-podpalanej, 3 pieski i 2 suczki. Matka szczeniaków jest córką dwukrotnego zwycięzcy świata- Remo vom Fichtenschlag, natomiast ich ojciec jest wnukiem Esko vom Dänischen Hof VA3 oraz Quenna vom Löher Weg VA2. W naszej hodowli posiadamy sukę, Aszkę Jarkowski Dwór, która zdobyła tytuł Młodzieżowego Championa Polski i jest córką ojca naszych maluchów.
Rodowód szczeniaków

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Abady Dog Food Recall

June 19, 2013 – The Robert Abady Company of Poughkeepsie, New York, has announced it is voluntarily recalling two of their frozen dog food products due to contamination with Salmonella bacteria.

Where Were the Products Sold?

The affected dog foods were distributed in retail stores and kennels in the following states:Recall Button
  • Connecticut
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Massachusetts
The company claims there have been no reports of pet or human illness reported to date.

What’s Being Recalled?

The recalled products include…
  • Abady Frozen High Stress/High Performance Dog Food (3 lbs)
  • Abady Frozen Growth Formula for Puppies of the Large and Giant Breed (3 1bs)
The affected dog foods were packaged in uncoded frozen 3 pound chubs.

A. Glen Saxon Kennels

A. Glen Saxon Kennels

Top Quality German Shepherd dogs are our passion, and have been part of our family for more than 20 years! Our dogs are mostly imported bloodlines from quality breeders in Europe!! Some are 4 generations our breeding!! With certified Hips, Elbows and health! In most colours! Our dogs excel in all environments: Show, Obedience, Schutzund and family pet!!
We stand behind our puppies 100%, and provide our new puppy owners with a 2 year hips and health guarantee. All our pups are sold with CKC registration, vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed and of course raised with lotsa love!!
We always welcome inquiries and appointments to view our lovely dogs — We are very proud of them! Early reservation recommended for a puppy, older pups and young adults available on occasion! Importing and training also available!
We generally have 2 or 3 litters of puppies each year.

The German Shepherd (Alsation) History

The German Shepherd (Alsation) History

The German Shepherd breed is the world's top guard, police and military dog. Known for working overtime, this dog often goes beyond a nine-to-five workday. Besides being a leading working dog, the German shepherd is an excellent family pet and leading show competitor. Also called Alsatians in some parts of the world, the German shepherd dog is a large-sized breed originating in Germany. The German shepherd breed was first developed for sheepherding. Because this breed is known for its loyalty protective nature, intelligence and strength, it's one of the most common registered breeds in the world.
Ancient Dogs
Although they weren't yet called German shepherds, dogs of this type have been popular since ancient times. Early man depended on dogs with superior vision, hearing and running abilities, and gave these dogs food, shelter and protection in exchange for their hunting skills. However, as man advanced from nomadic wanderings, he needed these pastoral dogs for protection from predators, as well as hunting and herding skills for tending flocks.
The First German Shepherd Society
As transportation and communication improved, societies for owners of herding dogs formed to help owners breed dogs and keep records. Societies for breeds grew where owners met to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of particular dogs in an effort to improve breeding. The Phylax Society was formed in 1891 as the first formal club, although it only lasted about three years. However, this first German shepherd club planted the seeds for future German shepherds societies to emerge.
Captain Max von Stephanitz: Father of the Breed
Captain Max von Stephanitz is recognized as the father of the German shepherd breed. Admiring the breed's fine qualities of strength, intelligence and other assets, von Stephanitz visited a dog show in 1899 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Von Stephanitz not only bought a dog but also created a society. This marked the German shepherd as a specific breed. The original name of "Deutsche Schaferhund" is a translation meaning "German shepherd dog."
German Shepherds in World War I
The German shepherd was first used by the government in World War I. Besides serving as messenger dogs, the breed proved to be excellent in rescuing and guarding. American servicemen and others from the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth witnessed the bravery of the breed, its steadfastness and intelligence. They took various stories about these dogs back home. This led to many servicemen buying German shepherds as personal pets following their military careers.
Name Changes to Alsatian Wolf Dog
At the close of World War II, the breed changed its name to the Alsatian Wolf Dog, from the area known as Alsace-Lorraine of the German-French border. Because the dog is related to the wolf, this caused unfounded criticism of its hypothetical treachery and intensity. However, the breed is easily trainable.
Names Changes Back to German Shepherd
Later the tag of "Wolf Dog" was dropped, fearing the label of "wolf " might create discrimination against the breed. The name was changed back to German shepherd in 1977, after several campaigns by breeders. It continues to be known by this name in America, Australia and most other countries.

Modern Breeding
The German Shepherd breed is the world's top guard, police and military dog. Known for working overtime, this dog often goes beyond a nine-to-five workday. Besides being a leading working dog, the German shepherd is an excellent family pet and leading show competitor. Also called Alsatians in some parts of the world, the German shepherd dog is a large-sized breed originating in Germany. The German shepherd breed was first developed for sheepherding. Because this breed is known for its loyalty protective nature, intelligence and strength, it's one of the most common registered breeds in the world.
Ancient Dogs
  1. Although they weren't yet called German shepherds, dogs of this type have been popular since ancient times. Early man depended on dogs with superior vision, hearing and running abilities, and gave these dogs food, shelter and protection in exchange for their hunting skills. However, as man advanced from nomadic wanderings, he needed these pastoral dogs for protection from predators, as well as hunting and herding skills for tending flocks.
The First German Shepherd Society
  1. As transportation and communication improved, societies for owners of herding dogs formed to help owners breed dogs and keep records. Societies for breeds grew where owners met to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of particular dogs in an effort to improve breeding. The Phylax Society was formed in 1891 as the first formal club, although it only lasted about three years. However, this first German shepherd club planted the seeds for future German shepherds societies to emerge.
Captain Max von Stephanitz: Father of the Breed
  1. Captain Max von Stephanitz is recognized as the father of the German shepherd breed. Admiring the breed's fine qualities of strength, intelligence and other assets, von Stephanitz visited a dog show in 1899 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Von Stephanitz not only bought a dog but also created a society. This marked the German shepherd as a specific breed. The original name of "Deutsche Schaferhund" is a translation meaning "German shepherd dog."
German Shepherds in World War I
  1. The German shepherd was first used by the government in World War I. Besides serving as messenger dogs, the breed proved to be excellent in rescuing and guarding. American servicemen and others from the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth witnessed the bravery of the breed, its steadfastness and intelligence. They took various stories about these dogs back home. This led to many servicemen buying German shepherds as personal pets following their military careers.
Name Changes to Alsatian Wolf Dog
  1. At the close of World War II, the breed changed its name to the Alsatian Wolf Dog, from the area known as Alsace-Lorraine of the German-French border. Because the dog is related to the wolf, this caused unfounded criticism of its hypothetical treachery and intensity. However, the breed is easily trainable.
Names Changes Back to German Shepherd
  1. Later the tag of "Wolf Dog" was dropped, fearing the label of "wolf " might create discrimination against the breed. The name was changed back to German shepherd in 1977, after several campaigns by breeders. It continues to be known by this name in America, Australia and most other countries.

Modern Breeding
  1. The modern breed has been the target of criticism for veering away from von Stephanitz's original theory that German shepherds should be bred mainly as working dogs. Critics contend that careless breeding has caused defects and diseases. Breeding programs under von Stephanitz were bred out. However, modern breeding lacks controls on genetic and breeding problems, including hip dysplasia, temperament and weaknesses.

Temperament: How a German Shepherd Behaves.
German Shepherd puppies are alert, curious, confident, and eager to please. They are an obedient breed, courageous, loyal and brave. They learn quickly, love their human companions, and are protective and generally wary of strangers. When properly trained and socialized from a young age, German Shepherds can be good with all members of the family - human, canine and non-canine.

Strengths and Skills: What German Shepherds Do Best.
German Shepherds are working dogs belonging to the Herding group. They have strong inherent skills and are extremely intelligent. This obedient breed is eager to learn and makes an excellent family companion, guard dog, and service animal. They have long been used in military activities, search and rescue operations, and as police dogs. German Shepherds have strong tracking abilities and are one of the most trainable breeds.
Care and Training: The Best Environment for the German Shepherd German Shepherd puppies can live well in apartments if given enough daily exercise, including frequent walks and plenty of play and free run time, but they do best when they have a dedicated fenced yard in which to expend energy. They require consistent leadership and obedience training early in life to illicit optimum behavioral traits. These intelligent and confident dogs need challenging activities and inventive play or task-oriented training to remain healthy, mentally and physically. German Shepherds are somewhat heavy shedders, requiring daily brushing.

German Shepherd Dog Anatomy

The German Shepherd Dog is essentially a trotting dog. Developed for herding the dog would work all day - almost always in a trot never tiring. Therefore strict adherence to the structural makeup is of utmost importance. Croup formation and shoulder angulation are just many of the features that serious dedicated breeders work for in their breeding stock. With sound structural efficiencies for long, arduous work, the standard for the German Shepherd Dog calls for mental stability and a willingness to work. The dog should be approachable, quietly standing its ground, showing confidence and a willingness to meet overtures without itself necessarily making them. It should be generally calm, but eager and alert when the situation warrants. It should be fearless, but also good with children. The German Shepherd Dog should not be timid or react nervously to unusual sounds or sights. A dog that is overly aggressive because of its overall fears of people and events can be extremely dangerous. These dogs should be eliminated from the gene pool as dogs that are not structurally sound.
The withers is maybe one of the most notable parts of canine anatomy, as it is used to measure the height of a dog. The withers is a ridge on the dog's back between its shoulder blades. The height of a dog is measured from the bottom of the paw up to the withers, and never includes the neck, head or ears of a dog in the measurement. Starting from the paws on a dog's forelegs, the paw is connected to the pastern by the wrist joint. There is no human equivalent to the pastern, but it is the shortest and lowest bone on a dog's forelegs excluding the paws and toes. The pastern is connected to the forearm by the pastern joint, and the forearm is connected to the upper arm by the elbow. These are only vaguely similar to forearms, elbows and upper arms found in humans. The upper arm is connected to the body by the shoulder.

German Shepherd Dog Skeletal
A dog's hind legs are considerably different than its forelegs. Again starting from the paws, the hind paws are connected to the rear pastern. The rear pastern is connected to the secondary thigh, also known as the gaskin, by a pronounced joint known as the hock. The secondary thigh is connected to the upper thigh by the stifle, sometimes referred to as the knee joint. The upper thigh forms the hind-quarters and is connected to the body by the hip.
Along the back of the dog, there is the croup, loin, back, withers and crest. The croup is the rear-most portion of the dog's back, where the tail is connected. The crest lies along the neck-line of the dog. The loin, back and withers fall in between the two, in the order described. Along the underside, there is abdomen, brisket and fore chest. The abdomen is rear-most portion of the dog's underside, starting where the rib-cage stops. The brisket forms the underside of the dog's chest, where the rib-cage is, and the fore chest is the protrusion of chest past that forelegs.
The head of the dog includes characters common among most mammals such as eyes, nose, ears and tongue. The elongated portion of the dog's mouth and nose area is known as the muzzle. The point where the muzzle meets the remainder of the head is known as the stop, and is usually where the eyes are located.

German Shepherd Dog Proportions to the Standard
The "white" line represents the height at the shoulders, which should be measured using a special rod for measuring dogs, placing the animal on a solid floor. The "Orange" line represents the total length of the trunk which the German Shepherd Dog varies between 111% and 125% of its height at the shoulders.

German Shepherd Dog Cranio Facial Ratio
The cranio-facial axes (cranial axis AB and facial axis CD) are parallel in the German Shepherd dog. Any deviation from the parallelism represents a defect of varying degree. The right cranio-facial ratio is 1:1 (The mouth should be closed for accuraracy).

German Shepherd Dog Height & Weight Standards
  • Height at the wither 60 cm to 65 cm (23.62 inches - 25.59 inches)
  • Weight 30 kg to 40 kg. (66.14 pounds - 88.18 pounds; Midrange = 77 pounds)
  • Height at the wither 55 cm to 60 cm (21.65 inches - 23.62 inches)
  • Weight 22 kg - 32 kg (48.5 pounds - 70.55 pounds; Midrange = 59.5 pounds)
German Shepherd Dog Growth Chart by Weight & Age


Age in Mos
Kilogram (kg.)
Pound (lb.) % of Total Kilogram (kg.) Pound (lb.)
1 4.2 9.2 12.10 3.3 7.2
2 9.0 19.9 26.18 7.5 16.6
3 14.2 31.3 41.18 12.1 26.7
4 19.0 41.8 55 16.4 36.2
5 22.9 50.6 66.57 20.0 44.0
6 26.1 57.4 75.52 22.7 50.1
7 28.4 62.6 82.36 24.7 54.4
8 30.1 66.4 87.36 26.1 57.5
9 31.5 69.4 91.31 27.1 59.7
10 32.7 72.0 94.73 27.9 61.5
11 33.7 74.3 97.76 28.6 63.1
12 34.5 76.0 100 29.1 64.2

Again, these are approximations and your own puppy growth chart may not absolutely reflect these numbers. If you have any doubt that your puppy is not changing according to the above German Shepherd Dog growth chart, the best thing to do would be to contact your trusted vet.
If you are providing adequate exercise and quality dog food, your German Shepherd's dog growth should be normal and she will have no trouble reaching her full potential.
German Shepherd Dog Puppy Teeth
It is hard to tell for sure when your puppy starts losing its 28 baby teeth. A puppy's baby teeth, or milk teeth, come in at four weeks of age and commonly start to fall out between weeks 14 and 30, to make room for the 42 large adult teeth that will grow in their place.

German Shepherd Dog Physical characteristics

Like most predatory mammals, the dog has powerful muscles, a cardiovascular system that supports both sprinting and endurance, and teeth for catching, holding, and tearing. Dogs have nails, not claws.
The dog's ancestral skeleton provided the ability to jump and leap. Their legs can propel them forward rapidly, leaping as necessary to chase and overcome prey. Consequently, they have small, tight feet, walking on their toes (thus having a digitigrade stance and locomotion); their rear legs are fairly rigid and sturdy; the front legs are loose and flexible, with only muscle attaching them to the torso.
The dog's muzzle size will come with the breed. The sizes of the muzzle have different names. Dogs with longer muzzles, such as the German shepherd dog, are called mesocephalic. All dogs (and all living Canidae) have a ligament connecting the spinous process of their first thoracic (or chest) vertebrae to the back of the axis bone (second cervical or neck bone), which supports the weight of the head without active muscle exertion, thus saving energy. This ligament is analogous in function (but different in exact structural detail) to the nuchal ligament found in ungulates. This ligament allows dogs to carry their heads while running long distances, such as while following scent trails with their nose to the ground, without expending much energy.
Although selective breeding has changed the appearance of many breeds, all dogs retain the basic ingredients from their distant ancestors. Dogs have disconnected shoulder bones (lacking the collar bone of the human skeleton) that allow a greater stride length for running and leaping. They walk on four toes, front and back, and have vestigial dewclaws on their front legs and sometimes on their rear legs. When a dog has extra dewclaws in addition to the usual one on each front leg, the dog is said to be "double dewclawed".
There is some debate about whether a dewclaw helps dogs to gain traction when they run because, in some dogs, the dewclaw makes contact when they are running and the nail on the dewclaw often wears down in the same way that the nails on their other toes do, from contact with the ground. However, in many dogs the dewclaws never make contact with the ground; in this case, the dewclaw's nail never wears away, and it is then often trimmed to keep it to a safe length.
The dewclaws are not dead appendages. They can be used to lightly grip bones and other items that dogs hold with the paws. However, in some dogs these claws may not appear to be connected to the leg at all except by a flap of skin; in such dogs the claws do not have a use for gripping as the claw can easily fold or turn.
There is also some debate as to whether dewclaws should be surgically removed. The argument for removal states that dewclaws are a weak digit, barely attached to the leg, so that they can rip partway off or easily catch on something and break, which can be extremely painful and prone to infection. Others say the pain of removing a dewclaw is far greater than any other risk. For this reason, removal of dewclaws is illegal in many countries. There is, perhaps, an exception for hunting dogs, who can sometimes tear the dewclaw while running in overgrown vegetation. If a dewclaw is to be removed, this should be done when the dog is a puppy, sometimes as young as 3 days old, though it can also be performed on older dogs if necessary (though the surgery may be more difficult then). The surgery is fairly straightforward and may even be done with only local anesthetics if the digit is not well connected to the leg. Unfortunately many dogs can't resist licking at their sore paws following the surgery, so owners need to remain vigilant.
In addition, for those dogs whose dewclaws make contact with the ground when they run, it is possible that removing them could be a disadvantage for a dog's speed in running and changing of direction, particularly in performance dog sports such as dog agility.
German Shepherd Dog Sight
Like most mammals, dogs aredichromats and have color vision equivalent to red-green in color blindness humans. Different breeds of dogs have different eye shapes and dimensions, and they also have different retina configurations. Dogs with long noses have a "visual streak" which runs across the width of the retina and gives them a very wide field of excellent vision, while those with short noses have an "area centralis" - a central patch with up to three times the density of nerve endings as the visual streak - giving them detailed sight much more like a human's.
German Shepherd Dog Hearing
Dogs detect sounds as low as the 16 to 20 Hz frequency range (compared to 20 to 70 Hz for humans) and above 45 kHz (compared to 13 to 20 kHz for humans) and in addition have a degree of ear mobility that helps them to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a sound. Eighteen or more muscles can tilt, rotate and raise or lower a dog's ear. Additionally, a dog can identify a sound's location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds up to four times the distance that humans are able to Those with more natural ear shapes, like those of wild canids like the fox, generally hear better than those with the floppier ears of many domesticated species.
German Shepherd Dog Penis
Male dogs, as well as wolves, have a bulbus glandisat the base of their penises. The penis sometimes emerges from the fur-covered sheath during. sexual arousal During coitus the bulbus glandis swells up and results in a ' tie' (the male and female dogs being tied together). Muscles in the vaginaof the female assist the retention by contracting. Male dogs have a conspicuous penis sheath. Male dogs also use their penises to direct urine when marking their territories
At the time of, penetration the canine penis is not erect, and can only penetrate the female because it includes a narrow bone called the "baculum", a feature of most placental mammals. When the male achieves penetration, he will usually hold the female tighter and thrust deeply. It is during this time that the male's penis expands and it is important that the bulbus gland is sufficiently far enough inside for the female to be able to trap it. Unlike human sexual intercourse, where the male penis commonly becomes erect before entering the female, canine copulation involves the male first penetrating the female, after which swelling of the penis to erection occurs, which usually happens rapidly.
Male canines are the only animals that have a locking bulbus glandisor "bulb", a spherical area of erectile tissue at the base of the penis. During copulation, and only after the male's penis is fully inside the female's vagina, the bulbus glandis becomes engorged with blood. When the female's vagina subsequently contracts, the penis becomes locked inside the female. This is known as "tying" or "knotting".

German Shepherd Dog Temperature regulation

It is a common misconception that dogs do not sweat. They do sweat, mainly through the footpads, but only a small fraction of a dog's excess heat is lost this way. Primarily, dogs regulate their body temperature through panting. Panting moves cooling air over the moist surfaces of the tongue and lungs, transferring heat to the atmosphere.
Dogs possess a rete mirabile, a complex system of intermingled small arteries and veins, in the carotid sinus at the base of their neck. This acts to thermally isolate the head, which contains the brain, the most temperature-sensitive organ, from the body, which contains the muscles, where most of the heat is generated. The result is that dogs can sustain intense physical exertion over a prolonged time in a hot environment, compared to animals which lack this apparatus; thus, a dog chasing a jackrabbit through the desert may not be able to outrun the rabbit, but it can continue the chase until the rabbit slows due to overheating.