Friday, December 19, 2014

T-Shirt für Hundefreunde - Deutscher Schäferhund - Mit Urkunde als Geschenk

  • Cooles Tshirt speziell für Hundehalter und Hundefreunde
  • Ein lustiges Funshirt ist ein optimales Geschenk zu allen Anlässen
  • 1/2-Arm
  • 100% Baumwolle
  • Pflegehinweis: waschbar mit 30°C, nicht trocknergeeignet
  • Hochwertiger Druck nach modernsten Verfahren garantiert lange Haltbarkeit
  • Shirt aus 100% Baumwolle von bekannten Markenherstellern wie Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, Stedman, u.a.
  • Wir bedrucken und versenden Ihr Fun T-Shirt innerhalb 1 bis 2 Arbeitstagen. Waschbar mit 30°C

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Titan Canine Services

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Titan Canine Services: Titan Canine Services TITAN Canine Services is an Afghan K9 and Demining Company TITAN Operating currently in different location of ...

Titan Canine Services

Titan Canine Services
TITAN Canine Services is an Afghan K9 and Demining Company TITAN Operating currently in different location of Afghanistan the headquartered is located in Kabul providing canine and demining solutions in complex detection, protection and security environments. TITAN's management staff has extensive relevant experience providing canine protective services throughout the Afghani theater of Operations. TITAN is an Afghan Veteran owned company, licensed by the government of Afghanistan.

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Zwinger vom Schmiedefeuer

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Zwinger vom Schmiedefeuer: Ich heiße Jutta Schmidt und bin 1962 geboren. Mein Mann und ich wohnen in Masburg. Seit 1991 betreibe ich und mein Mann  im Deutschen S...

Zwinger vom Schmiedefeuer

Ich heiße Jutta Schmidt und bin 1962 geboren. Mein Mann und ich wohnen in Masburg.
Seit 1991 betreibe ich und mein Mann  im Deutschen Schäferhundverein (SV) aktiv Hundesport .
Was damals als Hobby begann, füllt heute einen großen Teil meines Lebens aus.
Mein Mann und ich haben im Laufe der Jahre mehrere Hunde für uns und Sportskollegen ausgebildet und seit 2005 züchten wir  im SV Deutsche Schäferhunde, überwiegend Lackschwarz und Schwarzbraun.
My name Jutta Schmidt was born in 1962. My husband and I live in Masburg.
Since 1991 I am doing and my husband in the German Shepherd Dog Club (SV) active dog sports.
What started as a hobby, now fills a large part of my life.
My husband and I have over the years several dogs for us and fellow athletes formed and since 2005 we have been breeding in SV German Shepherds predominantly black lacquer and black-brown.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Deutsche Schäferhunde – von den Wannaer Höhen - Germany

Seit 1984 wird im Zwinger “von den Wannaer Höhen” gezüchtet. In dieser Zeit haben wir versucht gesunde, leistungsfähige und anatomisch ansprechende Gebrauchshunde zu züchten.
Dass man es erwähnen muss, gesunde Hunde zu züchten, ist vom Grundsatz her schon sehr schlimm! Die Realität zeigt jedoch, dass es ein immer größer werdendes Problem ist, einen gesunden, vitalen und langlebigen Gebrauchshund zu züchten.
In Zukunft wird die Gesundheit ein immer mehr zu berücksichtigender Faktor sein. Wir glauben jedoch, dass wir auf dem richtigen Weg sind, da mehrere in unserem Zwinger gezüchtete Hunde schon über Jahre hinweg auf höchster Ebene im Leistungssport geführt wurden und somit auch extremen körperlichen Belastungen gewachsen sind.
Unsere Zuchterfolge!
Bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt wurden mehr als 20 “Wannaer Höhen” – Hunde auf nahezu 100 Landesausscheidungsprüfungen geführt (9 dieser Hunde waren bereits Landessieger oder Sieger der FCI-Bundesqualifikation).
Auf ca. 20 Bundessiegerprüfungen wurden Hunde aus unserem Zwinger geführt. Einige Hunde wurden auf Internationalen Diensthundeführermeisterschaften erfolgreich vorgeführt. Auch im Bereich der Bundeszollverwaltung konnten sich unsere Hunde gut behaupten und waren vielfach Sieger in den jeweiligen Oberfinanzdirektionen.
Auf den großen Schauveranstaltungen sind Hunde aus unserem Zwinger nicht zu finden, da in den letzten Jahren m. E. das Erscheinungsbild des Deutschen Schäferhundes stark von dem Körperbau eines leistungsfähigen Gebrauchshundes abweicht, und auch der Gründer des SV bei der Festlegung des Rassestandards sich sicherlich ein anderes Erscheinungsbild vorstellte.
Wir werden jedoch auch weiterhin versuchen, den gesunden, nervenstarken, triebvollen Gebrauchshund zu erhalten und evtl. zu verbessern, damit auch noch nachfolgende Generationen Freude an der Zucht und Ausbildung dieser wunderbaren Rasse haben.
Horst-Dieter Träger und Heide Garbe

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Quality K-9 - Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Quality K-9 - Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona: Quality K-9 Schutzhund Agility Military/ Polizei (German Police) Dog Training Explosive/ Narcotic Detection Dog Training Personal P...

Quality K-9 - Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona

Quality K-9
  • Schutzhund
  • Agility
  • Military/ Polizei (German Police) Dog Training
  • Explosive/ Narcotic Detection Dog Training
  • Personal Protection Dog Training
  • Mobility Service Dog Training
  • Mold Detection Dog Training
and most importantly…
  • Pet Dog Training

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Kohlein German Shepherd Dogs

Kohlein German Shepherd Dogs
It all started as a family oriented hobby that grew into what we believe is our destiny.  We all have enjoyed the different avenues it has taken us, from watching our two daughters become fabulous and capable handlers through the many years of Junior Handling.
We greatly believe in only producing few litters and it shows as our puppies and dogs are so great in character. We hear back time and time again how wonderful everyone's dogs are doing and their word of mouth advertising has been the secret to our success of our kennel.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Postage Stamp

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Postage Stamp: German Shepherd Postage Stamp   Product Details   Make each letter a special delivery! Put a personal touch on your mail, or share th...

German Shepherd Postage Stamp

German Shepherd Postage Stamp

Product Details

 Make each letter a special delivery! Put a personal touch on your mail, or share this useful gift with friends and family.
  • Landscape: 1.8" x 1.3" (image: 1.1" x 1.1").
  • Portrait: 1.3" x 1.8" (image: 1.1" x 1.1").
  • Image aspect ratio: 1 x 1.
  • 20 stamps per sheet.
  • Choose from twelve postage denominations:

    $0.34: Post Card
    $0.49: 1st Class Letter, 1 oz
    $0.70: 1st Class Letter, 2 oz or 1 oz odd
    $0.91: 1st Class Letter, 3 oz or 2 oz odd
    $0.98: 1st Class Large Envelope, 1 oz
    $1.12: 1st Class Letter, 3 oz odd
    $1.19: 1st Class Large Envelope, 2 oz
    $1.40: 1st Class Large Envelope, 3 oz
    $1.61: 1st Class Large Envelope, 4 oz
    $1.82: 1st Class Large Envelope, 5 oz
    $2.03: 1st Class Large Envelope, 6 oz
    $5.60: Priority (up to 16 oz)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Let The World Know You Are A Professional German S...

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Let The World Know You Are A Professional German S...: Let The World Know You Are A Professional German Shepherd Breeder Sleeveless Tees     Style: Men's Ultra Cotton Sleeveless T-Sh...

Let The World Know You Are A Professional German Shepherd Breeder Sleeveless Tees

Let The World Know You Are A Professional German Shepherd Breeder Sleeveless Tees
Let The World Know You Are A Professional Breeder Sleeveless Tees 
Style: Men's Ultra Cotton Sleeveless T-Shirt
The Gildan Ultra Cotton Sleeveless T-Shirt is perfect for your decoration, your style, and your comfort. Wear it on hot summer days or during your next workout. The double-needle bottom hem helps it maintain its shape and gives it added durability.

About the Design

Let The World Know You Are A Professional Breeder
Men's Ultra Cotton German Shepherd Breeder Sleeveless T-Shirt The Gildan Ultra Cotton Sleeveless T-Shirt is perfect for your decoration, your style, and your comfort. Wear it on hot summer days or during your next workout. The double-needle bottom hem helps it maintain its shape and gives it added durability.
About the Design Design
Your Own German Shepherd Breeder Mens Sleeveless Shirt Make your own mens sleeveless German Shepherd Breeder shirt. The design tool allows you to add your art, designs, or picture to create a one of a kind mens sleeveless shirt! You can add text using professional fonts & see a preview of your creation.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: du Verger des louves

Professional German Shepherd Directory: du Verger des louves: du Verger des louves Tout petit élevage familial de Berger Allemand, situé en Seine et Marne (77), où tous nos chiens et nos chiots v...

du Verger des louves

du Verger des louves
Tout petit élevage familial de Berger Allemand, situé en Seine et Marne (77), où tous nos chiens et nos chiots vivent à la maison avec nous. Ils y reçoivent tout l'amour et les meilleurs soins que nous pouvons leur donner. Nos retraités reste avec nous jusqu'à leur dernier jour, car ils sont avant tout nos chiens, nos meilleurs amis pour la vie. Le but de l'élevage n'étant pas de faire de l'argent avec les animaux, mais de rendre à son tour une famille heureuse grâce à l'amour et à la protection que lui apportera son futur compagnon.
Nos chiots sont tous inscrits au LOF, vaccinés, identifiés par puce, vermifugés et sociabilisés. Ils sont issus de hautes origines allemandes et françaises. Mais surtout, de deux parents au caractère en "or".
Membre de la Société du Chien de Berger Allemand depuis 2002.
Titulaire du certificat de formation à l'élevage canin délivré par la Société Centrale Canine.
Participation à la cinquième rencontre éleveurs canins / vétérinaires organisée par  l'AFVAC.
Orchard of wolves

Small family breeding German Shepherd, located in Seine et Marne (77), where all our dogs and puppies live in the house with us. They receive all the love and the best care we can give them. Retirees remain with us until the last day, because they are first and foremost our dogs, our best friends for life. The purpose of breeding is not to make money with the animals, but in turn make a happy family with the love and protection that he will bring his future companion.

Our puppies are all registered in the LOF, vaccinated, identified by microchip, wormed and socialized. They come from high German and French origins. More importantly, the character of both parents "gold".

Member of the Society of German Shepherd Dog since 2002.
Certificate holder's training dog breeding issued by the Société Centrale Canine.
Participation in the fifth meeting dog breeders / vets organized by AFVAC.

Professional German Shepherd Directory: vit Glisnik světové kynologii

Professional German Shepherd Directory: vit Glisnik světové kynologii: Dobrý den, vítám Vás na svých stránkách. Jelikož se řadu let profesně i ve svém volném čase věnuji sportovní kynologii, mají moje str...

vit Glisnik světové kynologii

Dobrý den, vítám Vás na svých stránkách. Jelikož se řadu let profesně i ve svém volném čase věnuji sportovní kynologii, mají moje stránky snahu informovat všechny co nejobsáhleji nejen o mé chovatelské stanici VIKAR, ale také o veškerém dění v české i světové kynologii.
Představujeme Vám nově otevřený kynologický areál Hvězda v Kroměříži

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Kennels Z GARGAMELLU

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Kennels Z GARGAMELLU: German Shepherd dog at my number one since childhood . Not only for its beauty and nobility but for character traits . It i...


German Shepherd dog at my number one since childhood. Not only for its beauty and nobility but for character traits. It is naturally intelligent dog with a balanced character.
On the first of which is also trying to breed the health and character traits, while the other exterior NO. Of course, at first glance, I like everyone interested exterior nice individual, but he is weak in character immediately loses points with me.
I think every breeder trying to breed NO such what he likes and is derived from that of his other work in farming. Everyone else is challenging whether the exterior or nature. Watching should but both minimal degree and not to favor only one or the other. That is why today also divided NO on the two variants and exterior work. Anyway, I imagine your NO such that they must like my eye and I have to be alone with him as happy in nature and outdoors

The first beginnings were around in my 10's when I was very interested in horses and dogs and I have to say that at that time it was just NO, which I wanted. My first dog was NO Marky without PP, black characters that I got from my friend. I started going to the training ground and in the process passed with him: ZVV1, ZVV2, ZPO1, OP1 and ZPS, three times we attended Youth Championship. In 1998, we even had the best obedience :-)
Kennel of Gargamella was established in 2002 in my 22 years. Preceded the purchase Gilly silver mines, which, however, could not be used for breeding and then tequila Anrebri ... I was lucky enough, I found an amazing dog that has made not only by their results and offspring, but also their personalities in my heart. So it is my duty this bitch actually the founder imagine.
Německý ovčák je u mě psem číslo jedna již od malička.  Nejen pro svou krásu a ušlechtilost ale hlavně pro povahové vlastnosti. Je to přirozeně inteligentní pes s vyrovnaným charakterem.
Na prvním místě o které se také v chovu snažím je  zdraví a povahové vlastnosti, na druhém pak exteriér NO.  Samozřejmě, že na první pohled mě stejně jako každého zaujme exteriérově krásný jedinec, ale když je slabý v povaze okamžitě u mě ztrácí body.
Myslím, že každý chovatel se snaží odchovat NO takového jaký se mu líbí a od toho se odvíjí jeho další působení v chovu. Každý je jinak náročný ať už na exteriér nebo povahu. Koukat by se mělo ale na oboje alespoň v minimální míře a neupřednostňovat jen jedno nebo druhé. Proto se dnes také rozdělil NO na tzv. dvě varianty pracovní a exteriérovou.
 Každopádně já si svého NO představuji takového, že se mému oku musí líbit a musím být já sama s ním spokojená jak v povaze tak v exteriéru.
První začátky byli zhruba v mých 10 letech, kdy mě velmi zajímali koně a psi a musím říci, že už v té době to byl právě NO, kterého jsem chtěla.  Mým prvním NO byl pes Marky bez PP, černý se znaky kterého jsem dostala od své kamarádky.  Začala jsem chodit na cvičák a postupem času s ním složila zkoušky: ZVV1, ZVV2, ZPO1, OP1 a ZPS, Třikrát jsme se zůčastnily Mistrovství ČR mládeže. V roce 1998 jsme měli dokonce nejlepší poslušnost :-)
Chovatelská stanice z Gargamellu byla založena roku 2002 v mých 22 letech. Předcházela tomu koupě Gilly Stříbrné doly, která však nemohla být v chovu použita a poté Tequilly Anrebri... Měla jsem to štěstí, že jsem natrefila na úžasnou fenu, která se zapsala nejen svými výsledky a potomky, ale hlavně svou osobností v mém srdci. Takže je mou povinností tuto fenu vlastně zakladatelku představit.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Zwinger vom Heidelberger Schloss

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Zwinger vom Heidelberger Schloss: My name is Thomas Sauerhoefer. I am a breeder of German Shepherds since 1980 in Germany. I am the President and founder of the Marysvi...

Zwinger vom Heidelberger Schloss

My name is Thomas Sauerhoefer. I am a breeder of German Shepherds since 1980 in Germany. I am the President and founder of the Marysville Schutzhund Club, and a member of the SV in Germany, United Schutzhund Clubs of America, and the GSDCA-WDA.

 I came to America ten years ago from Germany. My goals are to help people obtain higher quality dogs through my breeding program and importing services and to offer the highest quality dogs for Schutzhund, show, family, and companion. I grew up with dogs all my life. When I was 10 our family got a wonderful boxer, and when I turned 16 we got a Rottweiler named Arko. A close friend of the family took him for schutzhund training because we needed a protection dog for our company. My interest and fascination with the sport of schutzhund took off. At age 18, I bought my first dog, a German Shepherd. I had fallen in love with the breed for their looks and intelligence.
Rigor vom Heidelberger-Schloss  SchH 3, IPO3

 I started my career in Schutzhund and dog training with Vasko, a German Shepherd with working bloodlines. I titled Vasko to a SchH 3 in only one year and then I bought a female named Banja and titled her to a SchH 3 too. After I got her titles and breed survey, I bred Banja to Vasko and had my first litter of pups. I kept a male pup from this breeding and named him Kim. I trained Kim to a SchH 3. I bred three more litters with Banja, always with good results.

 One of the best training helpers in Germany was a member of my club and saw my love for the sport and talent for training dogs. He taught me everything about Schutzhund helper work. By the time I was 24, I started training dogs for other people, both working and show lines, because they also saw my talent for training.

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Dog Breed Patriotic House Flag

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Dog Breed Patriotic House Flag: Approximate Size: 28 x 40 inches - Made in the USA Constructed from 2 pieces of Dye Sublimated Polypoplin Double sided fabric allowing...

German Shepherd Dog Breed Patriotic House Flag

  • Approximate Size: 28 x 40 inches - Made in the USA
  • Constructed from 2 pieces of Dye Sublimated Polypoplin
  • Double sided fabric allowing the Dog breed image to be seen beatifully from both sides
  • Fade Resistant and Weather Resistant
  • Stand-Pole Not Included - available at most garden centers

Product Description

Behind every good owner, there is a great dog and no breed is greater on this arresting German Shepherd House Flag. The beauty and magnetism of your wonderful dog comes through on a colorful 28 x 40 inch Flag that features a durable double sided image. Friends and family will clamor to bring your best friend home when they see that sweet face welcoming them into your home. This German Shepherd House Flag comes complete with a 2 year no fade or tear guarantee. This flag is much heavier than most flags currently being sold by other manufacturers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs: Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs We are a small breeder of quality GSDs, mainly from East German (DDR) and Czech bloodlines. We are ...

Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs

Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs

We are a small breeder of quality GSDs, mainly from East German (DDR) and Czech bloodlines. We are located in the Oklahoma City area.
We rarely produce more than one litter each year as we are interested in quality NOT quantity.
Steve is available to assist you in training your dog.
Basic obedience, puppy training, tracking, personal protection and behavior problem solving are just a few of  the services we offer.
Call for rates and time availability.

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Quality German Shepherds

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Quality German Shepherds: Quality German Shepherds Tidmores Rising Star German Shepherds Established in 1989 have now been in Oklahoma for 10 years!!  I want t...

Quality German Shepherds

Quality German Shepherds
Tidmores Rising Star German Shepherds Established in 1989 have now been in Oklahoma for 10 years!!  I want to thank God for all that he has allowed me to accomplish with my dogs. I also want to thank all that have purchased from me through the years

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: San Diego Schutzhund Club

Professional German Shepherd Directory: San Diego Schutzhund Club: San Diego Schutzhund Club Our Family Oriented club is dedicated to the development of the TOTAL German Shepherd Dog and participates ...

San Diego Schutzhund Club

San Diego Schutzhund Club
Our Family Oriented club is dedicated to the development of the TOTAL German Shepherd Dog and participates in and hosts Schutzhund Trials, Conformation Shows and Breed Surveys.

Established in 1981, the Club affiliated with the United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USCA) in 1982. In 1999, a second club was formed under the name San Diego Schutzhund Club - WDA. This club is associated with the German Shepherd Club of America - Working Dog Association.
Although separate entities with different memberships, both clubs worked together to promote the German Shepherd Dog through schutzhund trials, conformation shows and breed surveys under a joint training program.

One of the earliest clubs in the southwest, we recently hosted our 45th schutzhund trial and 17th conformation show. In additional to hosting several regional events, the San Diego Schutzhund Club hosted the second USA Sieger Show in 1991 and the 2001 GSDCA-WDA North American Sieger Show.

Since our first trial, club members have trained over 30 dogs to SchH3 degrees with 23 individuals achieving entrance to the Schutzhund III club. Other accomplishments by club members include over 80 AD, 75 BH, 60 SchH1, 30 SchH2, 4 IPO3 and 3 FH1 titles.

Club members relax and brag about our dogs at our annual party and the many dinners honoring our judges. We also take time to socialize with our dogs. A favorite activity is a Wandertag - a day with our dogs in nature or on a group walk along San Diego bay, beside the beach or through our local parks.
We are proud of our accomplishments as a club, and welcome new German Shepherd Dog owners who desire to join us in our activities.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Trained German Shepherds

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Trained German Shepherds: Trained German Shepherd dogs have a significantly higher value than puppies. They are a wonderful asset to people who are not able to put...

Trained German Shepherds

Trained German Shepherd dogs have a significantly higher value than puppies. They are a wonderful asset to people who are not able to put in the time necessary to train a dog or raise a puppy.
Hundreds of training hours are needed before a dog can pass the stringent requirements of a training degree. They require obedience training and training should be ongoing and consistent. Trained German Shepherds can be used for protection, service dogs, schutzhund, IPO, and K9 German Shepherds.

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Harnesses

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Harnesses: German Shepherd Harnesses Choosing harnesses for German Shepherd Dogs can be a minefield, as many experienced dog owners know their...

German Shepherd Harnesses

German Shepherd Harnesses
Choosing harnesses for German Shepherd Dogs can be a minefield, as many experienced dog owners know their cost, having wasted money on dog harnesses that either do not fit properly or are simply not the right type for their dog.
Below are some tips to ensure you get the best dog harness for your dog:
Consider the type of dog harness you want, what is the harness to be used for? Is it just for walking (walking harness), do you want to bike with your dog (running/sports harness) or does your dog pull and you want to training your dog to stop pulling (anti-pull harness)? Do you need one that serves two purposes, walking and to use in the car with a dog seat belt attachment? There are many different types of harnesses for dogs but these are the most common types that people need for their dogs.
Comfort has to be a major consideration and therefore a good fit is essential. Measure your dog's girth (chest), and neck circumference. Weigh your dog too and keep a note of these measurements and weight, as these will determine the size you buy. Manufacturers all use different sizing, so ensure proper sizing information is available. Look for adjustable dog harnesses. Good materials to look out for are cotton, mesh, neoprene, fleece and any type of padded harness. Avoid harsh materials like cord, rope and unlined leather, as these can cause chafing and therefore discomfort.
Ensure you know how the harness goes onto your dog - basically it is either a step-in harness or an over-the-head style with a belly strap or buckle.
Read user reviews online before committing to a purchase - sometimes when a product is new to the UK, there may be no reviews other than on American sites, don't worry about this - if the product is made in the U.S. this will often be the case and vice-versa. Good websites will have a section to contact them with questions about products/sizing, make use of this facility and certainly don't buy online from anyone who does not have contact details.
Remember there is no such thing as the perfect dog harness that will suit every dog but there are many first class products out there that are bestsellers for good reason. Sometimes a product may have a few old negative reviews that the manufacturer has taken on board and rectified.
Following these basic, common sense tips will give dog owners a good chance of getting the best harnesses for dogs.
Choosing harnesses for German Shepherd Dogs can be a minefield, as many experienced dog owners know their cost, having wasted money on dog harnesses that either do not fit properly or are simply not the right type for their dog.
Below are some tips to ensure you get the best dog harness for your dog:
Consider the type of dog harness you want, what is the harness to be used for? Is it just for walking (walking harness), do you want to bike with your dog (running/sports harness) or does your dog pull and you want to training your dog to stop pulling (anti-pull harness)? Do you need one that serves two purposes, walking and to use in the car with a dog seat belt attachment? There are many different types of harnesses for dogs but these are the most common types that people need for their dogs.
Comfort has to be a major consideration and therefore a good fit is essential. Measure your dog's girth (chest), and neck circumference. Weigh your dog too and keep a note of these measurements and weight, as these will determine the size you buy. Manufacturers all use different sizing, so ensure proper sizing information is available. Look for adjustable dog harnesses. Good materials to look out for are cotton, mesh, neoprene, fleece and any type of padded harness. Avoid harsh materials like cord, rope and unlined leather, as these can cause chafing and therefore discomfort.
Ensure you know how the harness goes onto your dog - basically it is either a step-in harness or an over-the-head style with a belly strap or buckle.
Read user reviews online before committing to a purchase - sometimes when a product is new to the UK, there may be no reviews other than on American sites, don't worry about this - if the product is made in the U.S. this will often be the case and vice-versa. Good websites will have a section to contact them with questions about products/sizing, make use of this facility and certainly don't buy online from anyone who does not have contact details.
Remember there is no such thing as the perfect dog harness that will suit every dog but there are many first class products out there that are bestsellers for good reason. Sometimes a product may have a few old negative reviews that the manufacturer has taken on board and rectified.
Following these basic, common sense tips will give dog owners a good chance of getting the best harnesses for dogs.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Grandwest Kennels

Our dogs are very much an imnportant part of our life and the all get "special time" with us. We are active in showing our dogs all over Australia with great success.
All of our dogs have there Hip & Elbow certificates (A & Z Stamps), and all of our litters are bred according to GSDAWA's (German Shepherd Dog Association of Western Australia) recommended Breeding Practices.
All of our German Shepherds are Breed Surveyed under the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia National Breed Survey scheme.
Please feel free to contact us with any queries you may have, we look forward to hearing from you.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: IRIS USA Indoor/Outdoor Plastic Pet Pen with 8 Pan...

Professional German Shepherd Directory: IRIS USA Indoor/Outdoor Plastic Pet Pen with 8 Pan...: Provides over 21 square feet of space and easy to assemble Perfect for training, exercise, play, or containment Ideal for puppies and s...

IRIS USA Indoor/Outdoor Plastic Pet Pen with 8 Panels Pink

  • Provides over 21 square feet of space and easy to assemble
  • Perfect for training, exercise, play, or containment
  • Ideal for puppies and small or medium-sized pets, indoors or outdoors
  • Includes non-skid rubber feet to protect floors
  • Double-steel door latches for security, never rusts

Product Description

Color: Pink | Size: 8-Panel
IRIS USA, Inc. Exercise/Containment Pet Pens
IRIS exercise & containment pens are ideal for play, exercise or training, indoors or out.
Made in the USA of durable, heavy-duty molded plastic, they’ll last for years and will never rust. Recommended for puppies and small-to-medium sized pets.
The panels interlock securely with full-length connecting rods, and the pens can be positioned in different shapes depending on your space. Light weight and easy to assemble and disassemble for transport or storage.
Each panel features non-skid rubber feet to protect your floors. Both sizes of pens are available in white, blue and pink.
Also available: 2-panel add-on kits.
The IRIS 4-panel pen measures approx. 35 inches x 35 inches x 24 inches H and provides over 8 sq. feet of space
The 8-panel model measures approx. 63 inches x 63 inches x 34 inches H, providing over 21 sq. feet of play area
The IRIS USA, Inc. exercise pens can be assembled in seconds
The 8-panel pen features a large hinged access door with double locking latches for security
The 4-panel pen can be expanded to a 6-panel pen with available 2-panel add-on kit
The 8-panel pen can be expanded to a 10-panel pen with available 2-panel add-on kit
Our simple concept at IRIS USA, Inc. has been to help others to live life organized. We introduced a line of clear plastic storage products to the North American market in 1994 and have continued to grow and expand ever since. Today, our product selection covers four categories: Home, Office, Utility and Hobby. In addition, we have a line of licensed storage products as well as pet food containers and containment pens. At IRIS USA, we are fully dedicated to designing and developing products that bring organization, convenience, and simplicity to everyday living. Whatever the storage need may be, we have a solution!