how to read your German Shepherd dog's body language is the key to
understanding your dog, assessing her attitude, and predicting her next
move. Because dogs are non-verbal - their body language does the talking
for them. Vocalization actually takes second place to a dog's body
language. Once you learn these basic types of dog body language, spend
some time observing dogs interacting with people and other animals in
various situations. Understanding of dog body language can also help
protect you and your dog from dangerous situations as well as aid in
training or identification of common behavior problems.
confident German Shepherd dog stands straight and tall with her head
held high, ears perked up, and eyes bright. Her mouth may be slightly
open but is relaxed. Her tail may sway gently, curl loosely or hang in a
relaxed position. She is friendly, non-threatening and at ease with her
happy German Shepherd dog will show the same signs as a confident dog.
In addition, she will usually wag her tail and sometimes hold her mouth
open more or even pant mildly. She appears even more friendly and
content than the confident dog, with no signs of anxiety.
playful German Shepherd dog is happy and excited. Her ears are up, eyes
are bright, and tail wags rapidly. She may jump and run around with
glee. Often, a playful dog will exhibit the play bow: front legs
stretched forward, head straight ahead, rear end up in the air and
possibly wiggling. This is most certainly an invitation to play!
submissive German Shepherd dog holds her head down, ears down flat and
averts her eyes. Her tail is low and may sway slightly, but is not
tucked. She may roll on her back and expose her belly. A submissive dog
may also also nuzzle or lick the other dog or person to further display
passive intent. Sometimes, she will sniff the ground or otherwise divert
her attention to show that she does not want to cause any trouble. A
submissive dog is meek, gentle and non-threatening.
anxious German Shepherd dog may act somewhat submissive, but often
holds her ears partially back and her neck stretched out. She stands in a
very tense posture and sometimes shudders. Often, an anxious dog
whimpers, moans, yawns and/or licks her lips. Her tail is low and may be
tucked. She may show the whites of her eyes, something called whale eye
An anxious dog may overreact to stimulus and can become fearful or even
aggressive. If you are familiar with the dog, you may try to divert her
attention to something more pleasant. However, be cautious - do not
provoke her or try to soothe her.
fearful German Shepherd dog combines submissive and anxious attitudes
with more extreme signals. She stands tense, but is very low to the
ground. Her ears are flat back and her eyes are narrowed and averted.
Her tail is between her legs and she typically trembles. A fearful dog
often whines or growls and might even bare her teeth in defense. She may
also urinate or defecate. A fearful dog can turn aggressive quickly if
she senses a threat. Do not try to reassure the anxious dog, but remove
yourself from the situation calmly. If you are the owner, be confident
and strong, but do not comfort or punish your dog. Try to move her to a
less threatening, more familiar location.
dominant German Shepherd dog will try to assert herself over other dogs
and sometimes people. She stands tall and confident and may lean a bit
forward. Her eyes are wide and she makes direct eye contact with the
other dog or person. Her ears are up and alert, and the hair on her back
may stand on edge. She may growl lowly. Her demeanor appears less
friendly and possibly threatening. If the behavior is directed at dog
that submits, there is little concern. If the other dog also tries to be
dominant, a fight may break out. A dog that directs dominant behavior
towards people can pose a serious threat. Do not make eye contact and
slowly try to leave. If your dog exhibits this behavior towards people,
behavior modification is necessary.
aggressive German Shepherd dog goes far beyond dominant. All feet are
firmly planted on the ground in a territorial manner, and she may lunge
forward. Her ears are pinned back, head is straight ahead, and eyes are
narrowed but piercing. Her tail is straight, held up high, and may even
be wagging. She bares her teeth, snaps her jaw and growls or barks
threateningly. The hairs along her back stand on edge. If you are near a
dog showing these signs it is very important to get away carefully. Do
not run. Do not make eye contact with the dog. Do not show fear. Slowly
back away to safety. If your own dog becomes aggressive, seek the
assistance of a professional dog trainer to learn the proper way to
correct the behavior. Dogs with aggressive behavior should never be used
for breeding.