Monday, November 3, 2014


German Shepherd dog at my number one since childhood. Not only for its beauty and nobility but for character traits. It is naturally intelligent dog with a balanced character.
On the first of which is also trying to breed the health and character traits, while the other exterior NO. Of course, at first glance, I like everyone interested exterior nice individual, but he is weak in character immediately loses points with me.
I think every breeder trying to breed NO such what he likes and is derived from that of his other work in farming. Everyone else is challenging whether the exterior or nature. Watching should but both minimal degree and not to favor only one or the other. That is why today also divided NO on the two variants and exterior work. Anyway, I imagine your NO such that they must like my eye and I have to be alone with him as happy in nature and outdoors

The first beginnings were around in my 10's when I was very interested in horses and dogs and I have to say that at that time it was just NO, which I wanted. My first dog was NO Marky without PP, black characters that I got from my friend. I started going to the training ground and in the process passed with him: ZVV1, ZVV2, ZPO1, OP1 and ZPS, three times we attended Youth Championship. In 1998, we even had the best obedience :-)
Kennel of Gargamella was established in 2002 in my 22 years. Preceded the purchase Gilly silver mines, which, however, could not be used for breeding and then tequila Anrebri ... I was lucky enough, I found an amazing dog that has made not only by their results and offspring, but also their personalities in my heart. So it is my duty this bitch actually the founder imagine.
Německý ovčák je u mě psem číslo jedna již od malička.  Nejen pro svou krásu a ušlechtilost ale hlavně pro povahové vlastnosti. Je to přirozeně inteligentní pes s vyrovnaným charakterem.
Na prvním místě o které se také v chovu snažím je  zdraví a povahové vlastnosti, na druhém pak exteriér NO.  Samozřejmě, že na první pohled mě stejně jako každého zaujme exteriérově krásný jedinec, ale když je slabý v povaze okamžitě u mě ztrácí body.
Myslím, že každý chovatel se snaží odchovat NO takového jaký se mu líbí a od toho se odvíjí jeho další působení v chovu. Každý je jinak náročný ať už na exteriér nebo povahu. Koukat by se mělo ale na oboje alespoň v minimální míře a neupřednostňovat jen jedno nebo druhé. Proto se dnes také rozdělil NO na tzv. dvě varianty pracovní a exteriérovou.
 Každopádně já si svého NO představuji takového, že se mému oku musí líbit a musím být já sama s ním spokojená jak v povaze tak v exteriéru.
První začátky byli zhruba v mých 10 letech, kdy mě velmi zajímali koně a psi a musím říci, že už v té době to byl právě NO, kterého jsem chtěla.  Mým prvním NO byl pes Marky bez PP, černý se znaky kterého jsem dostala od své kamarádky.  Začala jsem chodit na cvičák a postupem času s ním složila zkoušky: ZVV1, ZVV2, ZPO1, OP1 a ZPS, Třikrát jsme se zůčastnily Mistrovství ČR mládeže. V roce 1998 jsme měli dokonce nejlepší poslušnost :-)
Chovatelská stanice z Gargamellu byla založena roku 2002 v mých 22 letech. Předcházela tomu koupě Gilly Stříbrné doly, která však nemohla být v chovu použita a poté Tequilly Anrebri... Měla jsem to štěstí, že jsem natrefila na úžasnou fenu, která se zapsala nejen svými výsledky a potomky, ale hlavně svou osobností v mém srdci. Takže je mou povinností tuto fenu vlastně zakladatelku představit.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Zwinger vom Heidelberger Schloss

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Zwinger vom Heidelberger Schloss: My name is Thomas Sauerhoefer. I am a breeder of German Shepherds since 1980 in Germany. I am the President and founder of the Marysvi...

Zwinger vom Heidelberger Schloss

My name is Thomas Sauerhoefer. I am a breeder of German Shepherds since 1980 in Germany. I am the President and founder of the Marysville Schutzhund Club, and a member of the SV in Germany, United Schutzhund Clubs of America, and the GSDCA-WDA.

 I came to America ten years ago from Germany. My goals are to help people obtain higher quality dogs through my breeding program and importing services and to offer the highest quality dogs for Schutzhund, show, family, and companion. I grew up with dogs all my life. When I was 10 our family got a wonderful boxer, and when I turned 16 we got a Rottweiler named Arko. A close friend of the family took him for schutzhund training because we needed a protection dog for our company. My interest and fascination with the sport of schutzhund took off. At age 18, I bought my first dog, a German Shepherd. I had fallen in love with the breed for their looks and intelligence.
Rigor vom Heidelberger-Schloss  SchH 3, IPO3

 I started my career in Schutzhund and dog training with Vasko, a German Shepherd with working bloodlines. I titled Vasko to a SchH 3 in only one year and then I bought a female named Banja and titled her to a SchH 3 too. After I got her titles and breed survey, I bred Banja to Vasko and had my first litter of pups. I kept a male pup from this breeding and named him Kim. I trained Kim to a SchH 3. I bred three more litters with Banja, always with good results.

 One of the best training helpers in Germany was a member of my club and saw my love for the sport and talent for training dogs. He taught me everything about Schutzhund helper work. By the time I was 24, I started training dogs for other people, both working and show lines, because they also saw my talent for training.

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Dog Breed Patriotic House Flag

Professional German Shepherd Directory: German Shepherd Dog Breed Patriotic House Flag: Approximate Size: 28 x 40 inches - Made in the USA Constructed from 2 pieces of Dye Sublimated Polypoplin Double sided fabric allowing...

German Shepherd Dog Breed Patriotic House Flag

  • Approximate Size: 28 x 40 inches - Made in the USA
  • Constructed from 2 pieces of Dye Sublimated Polypoplin
  • Double sided fabric allowing the Dog breed image to be seen beatifully from both sides
  • Fade Resistant and Weather Resistant
  • Stand-Pole Not Included - available at most garden centers

Product Description

Behind every good owner, there is a great dog and no breed is greater on this arresting German Shepherd House Flag. The beauty and magnetism of your wonderful dog comes through on a colorful 28 x 40 inch Flag that features a durable double sided image. Friends and family will clamor to bring your best friend home when they see that sweet face welcoming them into your home. This German Shepherd House Flag comes complete with a 2 year no fade or tear guarantee. This flag is much heavier than most flags currently being sold by other manufacturers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs

Professional German Shepherd Directory: Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs: Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs We are a small breeder of quality GSDs, mainly from East German (DDR) and Czech bloodlines. We are ...

Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs

Rittermark German Shepherd Dogs

We are a small breeder of quality GSDs, mainly from East German (DDR) and Czech bloodlines. We are located in the Oklahoma City area.
We rarely produce more than one litter each year as we are interested in quality NOT quantity.
Steve is available to assist you in training your dog.
Basic obedience, puppy training, tracking, personal protection and behavior problem solving are just a few of  the services we offer.
Call for rates and time availability.