goal with our breeding program is to produce high drive, high energy
working dogs. We take the very best genetics we can find to produce
pups with exceptional health, solid nerves, high intelligence, and
outstanding temperament. Our pups are held to extremely high
standards. While we do not have as many litters as other kennels, we
focus on quality rather than quantity. The difference between our
program and others is that all of our dogs work and train on a regular
basis. When you consider buying a puppy from us you can actually come
onto the field and watch their parents work before you buy.

Training and competing is the emphasis of our kennel.
Breeding is just a means to the end.
you want to compete at a world class level then you must have a world
class dog with world class genetics. So I try to breed the dogs that I
want to compete with and that I want to protect my family. A dog that
will show aggression on the field during a trial, and then ride home in
the backseat with my girls. A dog that will sleep in bed with my child,
and then fearlessly defend my home if a stranger comes to the door.